Saturday, April 12, 2014

Knock-Out Roses

I have come to appreciate the Knock-Out Roses more and more because they are so easy to take care of and they bloom profusely from spring through fall.  The more I cut the more they bloom.  Snipping off the dead blooms will also promote more blooms.  It also makes the rose bushes look more attractive.

I don't really need long stemmed roses when I can get so many bouquets of bright red roses to perk up the dining room table or the summer kitchen.

I have two Knock-Out roses, one red and the other orange.  For most of he day, they are exposed to full sunshine. In other words, they do tolerate heat well and they are draught resistant, too.

The only problem I have had with the Knock-Out roses  is the black leaf disease but I quickly remove the leaves and discard them so as to not spread this disease.  It seems to work rather well.  On occasion, I have sprayed the roses with a fungicide.

Early this spring, I cut back the roses rather heavily but they came back green and beautiful--just in time for the Easter holiday.

Thank you for visiting my blog.
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  1. Roses are so lovely. I never heard of this kind before, but then I don't know much about them. Yellow roses are my favorite flowers.

  2. hi there. They may be just prompted as knock out roses in Fla.
