Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Red Robins are Here

Once upon a time, when we first started our gardening in Virginia, my husband and I had tilled the soil in preparation for an early spring garden.  A few red robins came to pick worms and whatever else was crawling.  They soon left except for one.   He wouldn't leave and he wouldn't move.

american robinHours went by and the red robin stayed at the same place in the garden.  Before we went to bed, we turned on the flood lights to see if he had left.  No, he was still there.  We talked about the robin that wouldn't leave and we couldn't go to sleep.

We finally got up and went out to see if he was hurt.  We got real close up.  Shoo!  Shoo!  He moved.  There was nothing wrong with the bird.

After moving to Florida, we made a road trip to Fernandina Beach in northern Florida where we came upon a flock of robins (?) pecking away under a large pine tree.  "Did you see all those robins?" my husband asked.  "What robins?" I wanted to know.  He told me about the robins under the pine tree.  "Oh, you are mistaken.  They were pine cones."  We are still arguing about what we saw that early spring day.

A few years ago, we had a flock of robins visiting the Back Forty Garden and Park.  The ground was full of robins; the trees were full of robins;  and so was the front yard.  They only stayed for a day or two and then left as quickly as they had come.

The same thing happened the following year.  We didn't mind the visitors.  They were harbinger of spring.  This year, we had only a few visiting.  What happened?  They must not like our garden and yard any more but spring is here, isn't it?

The picture is from

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