Friday, January 8, 2016

Conserving Citrus Fruit

Happy New Year and Happy Gardening!  So many things have been going on for the holidays and there has been little time for gardening.  William Blake wrote:  "In seed time learn, in harvest time teach, in winter enjoy."

This fall/winter, the weather has not been conducive for gardening;  it's been too hot and/or its been raining.  But I have been able to enjoy the broccoli, some greens, tomatoes, and carrots.  The cabbage has been filled with rainwater and more or less rotted.

I realize that I am being shallow for complaining about the weather when so many areas in this country and elsewhere in the world has flood problems, cold, snow, and ice.  I am fortunate to have my Back Forty to care for without too many problems.

To change the subject--I have often admired the glass jars in grocery stores that are filled with citrus sections.  Why can't I do the same with the grapefruit that are ripening and going to waste if I don't take care of it?

How I Conserved Citrus 

First, I made a Light Sugar Solution by mixing three (3) cups of water and one (1) cup sugar and heated it on the stove in a pot and stirring until the sugar melted.

For each quart jar, I used one (1) large grapefruit, peeled and cut into section.  I also used sections of two (2) Satsuma oranges which are small and packed them tightly and added the sugar solution.  I inserted a fork into the filled fruit jar and stirred gently to get rid of air bubbles.

To each jar, I added a bit of broken cinnamon, a few whole cloves as well as a few whole spices.

I put a small towel in the bottom of my well-used stock pot, inserted the three jars, and filled the pot with water to cover the jars.  The towel will keep the jars from rattling when boiling.

When the water came to a boil, I turned the heat down and let it simmer for about 10 minutes and let the jars cool in the pot.  I did empty some of the water and tightened the lids but not too tight.  When completely cool, I put the jars into the fridge.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

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