Thursday, April 5, 2018

Field Peas and Pasta Salad

When the summer crop is harvested and we are in between seasons, if that is possible in NE Florida, we have been known to sow field peas or black eyed peas as ground cover to let the gardens rest and recuperate.

When the field peas are mature, we pick them, shell them, cook them, and eat them.  They also freeze well.  Some gardeners make no distinction between field peas and black eyed peas.

For a quick dish, I will open a can or two of field peas, rinse them, and dry them.  I will also cook a "cute" pasta, al dente, to mix with the beans.

I add some diced colorful peppers to the beans and pasta as well as halved cherry tomatoes and thinly sliced red onions.

In addition, chopped, cubed, chicken completes the dish. Serve with a red vinegar and oil vinaigrette.

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