Saturday, July 21, 2018

BBQed Chicken Legs

During the football season, it was popular to have chicken wings and whatever else goes with it; however, I found the wings to be expensive and not much meat to eat.  Hence my own BBQ sauce, rub, and chicken legs.

The BBQ sauce:  

2 cups of ketchup 
1/4 cup vinegar (your choice)
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
1/4 cup packed brown sugar
2 tbs yellow mustard (more, if you prefer)
       Heat to blend.

Make Your favorite Rub:

My rub consisted of dashes of whatever was in front of the spice shelf such as


The Chicken Legs

Some chefs prefer to dip the chicken legs in a blend of milk and egg mixture and then roll the chicken legs in bread crumbs.  I skipped this.  I gently fried the chicken to give them some color, added the rub, and finally poured over the BBQ.  I rinsed out the BBQ sauce pot with water and added to the frying pan.

I had room in the frying pan for a small handful each of pepper, okra, and tomatoes from the garden.  Some onions would be nice too and so would a sprig a basil.  And the list goes on.

I turned the chicken once in a while and I am also  keeping my eye on the sauce so that won't dry out.
I let the chicken simmer for about 40 minutes.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

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