Tuesday, February 13, 2018

My Red Winter Garden

This season, the gloomy winter months of January and February, I thought that I would put a little color in my life.  As it turned out, I put color in the garden.  Red for Valentine.

Let's begin with the Red Seed Potatoes that I just put in the ground.  Once the potatoes are cut up and have rested for a few days, it is difficult to tell their color.

I did not find any kale to plant earlier this fall, but a trip to the Plant Ranch proved full of surprises.  They had Red Kale.

They were left over since the fall because they were root bound but never mind.  I planted them before the nice soaking rain came down to water the very dry plants.  Good timing!

I have not had much success with Red Cabbage before.  I had almost given up on them, but I couldn't resist a six pack.  Sure enough!  They are heading up rather handsomely.  It won't be long before I can add some color to my otherwise green salad.

The Red Mustard is a winter hardy bunch and slow to bolt.  It is said that they improve with frost and they may even survive a short freeze.  They are more flavorful than green mustard but I still like to eat them with pickles.

I'll be curious to see what kind of flowers they will produce when it is no longer feasible for me to keep harvesting them.  I will absolutely let them go to seed to attract birds and other winged critters, hopefully, bees to aid with pollination.

I have no idea how many Red Seed Onions there are in this red netting but they need to go into the soil before too long.  I usually don't let the onions mature but use the small ones and the greenery.

Small Red Rocks from Sweden for decorative purposes.

Have a Happy Valentine's Day!
Thank you for visiting my blog.

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