Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Jax Vets

Once upon a time, there were a couple of retired veterans meeting for an early breakfast at a local restaurant.  They met faithfully every Thursday morning:  same table, same guys.

Eventually word got around about these veterans and one by one other veterans dropped by to find out about these veterans and have breakfast with them.

We live in a community with many different military institutions, many service men have found the beaches area an attractive place for their retirement.

The group at the restaurant grew.  It was easy to join,  The only requirement:  you needed to be a veteran, young or old, it didn't matter.

Some of the veterans now meet long before the early breakfast time that  begins with a Pledge to the Allegiance and a prayer.

There are now about thirty (30) veterans meeting for a hearty breakfast at seven (7) in the morning.

This is no stuff:  there are no rules, no ranks, no salutations.  The veterans come together to tell their war stories, joke with each other, have good breakfast and a good time.

Thank you for your service.