Sunday, April 22, 2018

Tomato Seeds and Plants

Early this spring, a friend suggested that I sow tomato seeds in a pot so that I could set out the seedlings when the weather got warm.  I scoffed at the idea but promised to give it a try especially seeing the price of tomato plants at garden centers.

I filled a clay pot with the best soil from the compost pile and went to the local market and selected a large and nice looking heirloom tomato which I sliced when I got home. 

I put the slices on top of the soil in the clay pot and covered them with additional soil.

When the weather was sunny and warm, I left the pot on the porch, even when it rained.  I could always take it inside if the weather got too cold. 

I left the pot alone and nothing happened for the longest time but eventually tiny seedlings emerged.

The seedlings grew and I was able to transplant them into the garden, water them and fertilize them. They are growing!

I will do this again next year and learn more about what kind of tomatoes I select for the garden.  This year, it'll be a surprise.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

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