What the world needs is kindness, loving kindness, towards all mankind, from world leaders to the common man on the street, and you and me.
Random acts of kindness always bring nice surprises and I am always touched when the kindness is extended to me. It may be a compliment on my messy hair, a warning to be careful going up or down ramps in my wheelchair, or somebody holding the door open for me, or my loving and kind husband making tea for me.
I read that when you are kind to somebody, particular a person you don't like very much, you are being kind to yourself.
My Loving Kindness has been compiled from various reading from books by Lama Surya Das. I am repeating myself by publishing this prayer again but it is such a gracious prayer for any occasion, don't you think?
May you be filled with Loving Kindness
May you be Happy and Peaceful
May you be free from suffering,
Be well and filled with Compassion
May you be Strong and Healthy
May you take care of yourself with Love and Kindness
May you enjoy this special Moment.
Thank you for visiting my blog.
You are very kind.
(God's loving kindness is borroed.)
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