Sunday, January 29, 2017

The Winter Garden

 The broccoli have been harvested and replaced by two rows of Oregon Sweet Pea Pods.  They are the peas with edible pods--ready for munching in the garden when mature.

Three PVC pipes have been erected between the rows and strings still needs to be threaded into the holes in the poles so that they may climb on and to make it easy for our picking in mid-April.

A row of red potatoes have also been planted and because of their size they were cut into smaller pieces--each one with at least one healthy eye.

The small white potatoes with well developed eyes were planted whole.

Once the potatoes are dug up, okra which is a warm weather vegetable will be planted in their place.

Somewhere in this garden plot, there will e space for Contender green beans--a sure early spring winner.

It is rather interesting that I am still plotting and planting the winter garden while I am also planning for an early spring garden.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

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