Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Yard Work in January

It's a gloomy day in northeast Florida but the one bright moment is dreaming about the one billion dollar lottery; however, the yard work never seems to be done or when it is completed it is time to start all over again.  So, let's see what there is to do in the yard in the middle of January.

This is a good time to put your root balled Christmas tree in the ground and make sure that it gets a sufficient amount of water but no fertilizer at this time.  It's also a good time to transplant other bushes and trees that you'll dig up or buy at a nursery for your landscaping.  Make sure that your hole in the ground is plenty large to let the roots spread out and absorb the nutrients.

This is not a good time for pruning spring-blooming plants such as azaleas, redbuds, and fringe trees.  By all means, remove dead limbs and branches and the professionals recommend that you do not use any paint to cover up the cuts on larger branches.  It has none or little effect on insect or diseases that may attack your trees.

There is something wrong with this picture:  My azaleas are blooming and it's well into winter.  I looked them over this afternoon and they are also putting out new greenery.  When do I prune them?

Now that most of the oranges are gone, generously spray the dormant fruit trees with horticultural oil when it is a calm day and the temperature is above 40 degrees C.

Roses may be pruned (unless they are blooming, like mine are).  At the time of the pruning, remove the brown leaves from the bushes and from the ground below to reduce potential disease problems.

While waiting for the lottery drawing, I have better go outside and remove the winter weeds from hedges around the house and put down some mulch to keep the roots from freezing.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

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