Thursday, August 29, 2013

Seeds for Planting a Fall Garden

It is still too early to plant a fall garden in Northern Florida, but I am planning ahead and slowly beginning to prepare the two garden plots that are now overgrown by black beans.  After I have pulled up a few remaining corn stalks, I am ready to mow down the black bean crop and add mulch from the compost pile and work it in.  The lawn mower has been tuned up and the blade sharpened.

This is a list of the vegetable seeds for my fall garden: Contender snap beans or green beans, 40 - 60 days to mature, top the list.  There are also attractive purple snap beans but when cooked turn green.

Seeds Packets
Beets and carrots are the next best staples for the fall garden.  The beets take 55 - 75 days to mature.  The tender foliage is edible too prepared much like spinach.  The carrots take 100 - 120 to mature.  Both of these vegetables do well when stored in the garden after maturity.

I plant mustard, kale, and turnips for the greenery.  I mix these seeds up, sow, and let grow together.  The maturity time is about 50 - 70 days.  These greens will be sown later in the season where the butter beans are still growing. Kale, uncooked, seem to be popular used in salads. I plan to let these greens bloom to attract bees and butterflies.

Radishes and various lettuce are also on the list for seeds to be sown in the fall garden.  I am on purpose leaving out arugula because it is a little bit bitter for my taste for edible greens.  Some gardeners like to mix their salad greens.  I have done that too in previous years, but my preference for this kind of greenery has been narrowed down to a select few.

Finally, seeds for rutabaga complete the the list of vegetables to sow this fall.  It takes 70 - 100 days for the rutabaga to mature.  I sowed rutabaga last year and it did surprisingly well.  It is a yellow, mild tasting, root vegetable kin to the turnip.

The best information is available on the seed packets.  It usually states when to sow the specific vegetables in the various temperature zones in the country.  It lets the gardener know about germination, spacing, and thinning and much more.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

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