That nightshade vegetables grow in the shade of night is the obvious explanation offered at where I searched for this subject. I found out that the nightshade vegetables contain alkaloids which may be responsible for some health problems including muscle pain and morning stiffness. I thought that working too hard too long in the garden and old age were causing those aches and pains. Live Strong goes on to list poor healing, acid reflux, insomnia, gallbladder problems, arthritis as well as other inflammatory problems are caused by alkaloids.
It is further explained that the alkaloids are produced by the plants to protect themselves against harmful insects; however, these substances can act like chemicals and leave strong physiological effects in humans. This reaction may occur in individuals who are particularly sensitive to the alkaloid substances.

On the other hand, doctors at the Best Health Magazine (on line) claims that the nightshade vegetables have gotten a bad reputation and that it is doubtful that these vegetables contribute to osteoporosis, migraines, and arthritis pain. Dr. Piotrowski maintains that "tomatoes and peppers are amazing sources of antioxidants that lower the risk for cancer and heart disease; potatoes are high in vitamin C; and eggplant is a good source of vitamin K." In other words, the health benefit of the so called nightshade vegetables far outweigh the
health risk contributed to these vegetables.
I urge you to carry on, do your own research, and form your own conclusion.
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I have a hard time believing that eating any vegetables can be bad, and most of us don't eat enough of them. But I have heard of the nightshade issue, I just don't pay any attention to it :)